
Welcome to the Official ThoMud Server Webpage

About ThoMud

ThoMud is a project I started to get me acclimated to using Byond (basically my "Hello World!" project) and some parts are rather badly written, though most has been refactored mercilessly. The reason it's named ThoMud is because it started off as an MMORPG by the name of Thogrim. Dont ask why I chose that name; I don't know either. It really was designed as a service for members of the Furry Fandom who didn't like the cushy, MUCK style of EVERY online Anthro-styled game on the 'Net. And, Well, Here we are. Adding cool new features every day and accepting user ideas, after all, who are we designing for? Ourselves? Not likely! Some random Joe Schmoe off the street? Exactly! So we need your Ideas, comments, etc. to make this a game our audience actually wants!